19 February 2024

A digital product studio for startups

By Dries & Maarten

Why we're committing to startups

Here's the deal: Dashdot is getting a bit of a makeover, but not in the way you might think. We're not changing who we are; we're just getting clearer about where we shine brightest—working with startups.

It hit us like a lightbulb moment: the energy, the agility, and the sheer thrill of turning big ideas into reality with startups is what gets us out of bed in the morning. This isn't new to us; we've been doing it for years. But now, we're diving in headfirst, ready to make even bigger waves.

What drives us: Speed, Ownership, Autonomy

At the core of Dashdot's DNA are three things: speed, ownership and autonomy. It's our secret sauce. Being quick on our feet allows us to turn great ideas into great products at lightning speed. And even more importantly, it allows you to be wise with your most precious resource as a startup: time. Ownership means we treat your project like it's our own, committed to delivering a fully functioning end result, no matter the challenges we face along the way. And autonomy? It ensures that our clients are able to take what we built and go their own way. We're here to help you build your product and help you get on your own two feet.

Why the autonomy matters

For tech startups with sky-high ambitions, especially those looking to woo investors, being able to stand on your own two feet is crucial. That's why we focus on empowering our clients, not just building stuff for them and keeping them dependant on our services. We want you to own your tech, understand it inside out, and be ready to take on the world. It's about making you autonomous and set up for the long haul.

Our engineering and development vision

Gone are the days of just "making do." At Dashdot, we're obsessed with quality. Our engineering-first mindset means that we're all about building stellar, robust products that don't just work but excel. We dive deep into the tech side of things to ensure that what we build isn't just good for now; it's gold-standard and scaleable.

Our startup adventure with Webclew

Take Webclew, our own startup. It's the living, breathing proof that we're not just talking the talk; we're walking the walk. Through the ups and downs of building Webclew, we've gathered a treasure trove of insights and experiences that we bring to the table for every startup we work with. It's like having a secret weapon, and we're not afraid to use it.

Looking ahead: what's changing, what's not

As we sharpen our focus on startups, what's changing is our explicit commitment to where we feel most at home. What's not changing is how we roll: our commitment to making things fast, right, and smart remains unwavering. We've been on this path for a while, loving every minute. Now, we're just putting a name to it and charging ahead with full steam. Dashdot is here to empower startups, to turn the 'what-ifs' into 'what's next,' and to make sure the digital world sits up and takes notice.

So, there you have it. Dashdot is ready to rock the startup world, with a clear focus, a wealth of experience, and a heart full of passion for what we do best. Let's make something amazing together.

Maarten and Dries

That's it

Thank you for reading

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