Your dream,our missionEvery product custom made
Personal assistance made accessible
Helpper reached out to us with a clear mission: to extend their existing web platform with a mobile app that would make their service more accessible. They needed helpp *wink* with creating a mobile experience that would integrate seamlessly with their current systems and improve the overall user experience.
Breathing life into moonbird's digital dream
In a tight-knit collaboration with the founders Stefanie and Michael, we fast-tracked moonbird's market launch with a minimum viable companion app for the device and robust backend to manage everything from breathing exercises to firmware updates.
Elevating patient care through data
Facing a crossroads in healthcare innovation, we engineered LynxConnect to empower LynxCare’s mission, enabling a leap in patient care and research collaboration through advanced AI powered data insights.
Scaling from 5 to 500 machines and beyond
Dripl contacted us while they were still working with their 5 prototype machines and looking for help and guidance on how to scale to 500. We helped them overcome logistical, software and hardware challenges to make scaling and onboarding new machines a breeze.
Revolutionizing workplace communication
Meet Roger faced a pivotal moment: their mission to streamline internal corporate communication was clear, but their MVP needed evolution. Enter Dashdot, tasked with the challenge of transforming this vision into a scalable reality.
Halving the go-to-market time
They had the technology to perform the scans, we helped them evolve their AI solution into a scalable, market-ready product. Now they're able to see diabetic retinopathy before it starts and stop it in its tracks.
The talent management platform you need to unlock your workforce potential
We assisted talentguide in defining and developing their product, a complex AI B2B SaaS platform, from the start. From prototyping and developing a minimal V1 to advising on hiring and guiding the new team, we did it all.
Beyond WordPress' constraints
Funkey had the ambition make teambuiling activities accessible and fun. In order to achieve this goal, they wanted to build a two-sided, B2B marketplace for teambuildings, so that's what we did. Together we analysed their current MVP and developed a scalable and manageable product.
The Park's operational transformation
The Park, a virtual reality entertainment hub, lacked a platform for managing bookings and operations. Dashdot developed a custom, scalable solution to streamline management for both users and employees, ensuring future growth and flexibility.
Making your impact visible and shareable
Go Forest wanted a way to enable their partners to showcase their impact. So that's what we did. Dashdot developed an Impact Dashboard where partners can view, share and embed the impact they generate with their planted trees, all in a neat dashboard.
From ambitious concept to scaleable reality
Explore Lexor's strategic journey from conceptualization to the successful launch of a scalable cloud-based time-tracking platform.
Helping Connections travel further
We worked together with design and innovation agency Made to develop the new website for Connections. Transforming them from an offline entity to a digital powerhouse and showcasing their comprehensive offerings online and enabling seamless bookings.
From review to redesign, building a better application together.
Fixform wanted a thorough looking at, so we reviewed their application, used our expertise to redesign the whole thing and set them on their way. Sometimes it doesn't have to be hard.
Going from 0 to 1 can be hard, but not if you do it right.
Back in the beginning, we helped Bloomup go from zero to hero real quick. The timing was right, so together we developed the platform and secured funding. Time was money, so we lost neither.
Reworking their PoC into a scaleable V1
We helped BNuT (Balancing Nursing Teams) develop their product, enabling the client to optimise healthcare teams in a scaleable way.